Abortion Recovery Assistance

Initially many women feel relief after an abortion. Their crisis is over and life as normal continues. However, for some women life as normal isn’t the same. Feelings of guilt, shame, and even depression can begin as a result of their choice to terminate a pregnancy. Often women don’t experience these emotions until months and even years later. The emotional stress of carrying around the secret of an abortion can be overwhelming.

If you are one of the millions of women who regrets the decision to abort a pregnancy, there is hope and healing. Skylark™ Abortion Recovery Services is here to help you. The compassionate care of trained peer counselors can walk you through a healing process to make the abortion experience a small chapter of your past instead of the entire book of your life. We are with you on the journey.

Small post-abortion groups are available to help with your healing. You will be with other women who have similar stories. It doesn’t have to be a secret any longer. You will be in a safe environment to share your story and to share your pain. Contact us today to register for our next post-abortion group, or click the button below to fill out a request form.

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